Comparative analysis of goals scored in the 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cup




statistics, goals, attacking actions, set pieces


The purpose of the study is to
compare goals scored at the 2014 and 2018 World Cup from football in Brazil and Russia.
Material: during 2014 and 2018 all goals scored at the World Cup were analyzed. Research
methods: analysis and generalization of literary sources, analysis of video recordings of 128
games, methods of mathematical statistics, methods of expert assessment of competitive activity. A
comparative analysis of the goals of the 2014 -2018 World Cup teams was carried out. Results: the
article presents a comparative analysis of goals scored at the 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cup.
These championships were marked by the high performance of the teams - in 2014, 171 goals were
scored in 64 matches, an average of 2.7 goals per game and in 2018, 169 goals were scored in 64
matches, an average of 2.6 goals per game. The analysis showed that 131 goals in 2014 and 114
goals in 2018 (77 and 67%) were scored from the game. Most of the goals in both championships
were scored after attacks in the center, 30 and 23, respectively (18 and 13%) - these were
combinations with the passing of the ball between the players of the defending team or a pass to the
free zone. Also, a large number of goals were scored by the team after flank attacks - 26 goals
(15%) in 2014 and 22 (13%) in 2018, shooting and passing the ball from the flanks performed by
mid-line players and full-backs were one of the main sources of goals - just like that many teams
overcame saturated defensive lines of rivals, having large attackers in their arsenal. Conclusions:
the obtained statistical material shows from which game situations more goals were scored.
Studying the most typical moments of the game, after which the balls were scored, will allow
coaches to improve the attacking actions of the team more purposefully. In modern football, an
important condition for success is the search for effective actions to strengthen attacking actions.
That is why the attack of the best teams in the world has become a subject of study and analysis by
domestic and foreign experts and coaches. The World Championships, which are held once every
four years, clearly illustrate the development of this sport.

Author Biographies

Vladislav Homenko , Kherson State Maritime Academy

senior teacher of basic safety and professional applied physical
training department

Viktor Huzar , Kherson State Maritime Academy

associate professor of basic safety and professional applied physical training

Eugene Strykalenko, Kherson State University

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), assistant professo

Oleg Shalar, Kherson State University

PhD (pedagogical sciences), assistant professo


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How to Cite

Homenko , V., Huzar , V., Strykalenko, E., & Shalar, O. (2023). Comparative analysis of goals scored in the 2014 and 2018 FIFA World Cup. Sports Games, (2(20), 121–133.


