Comparative analysis of technical and tactical actions (on the example of ball tackling) of the Metalist-1925 team in different areas of the football field in the games of the Ukrainian championship 2019




technical and tactical actions, tackling, attack zone, defense zone, middle zone, rejection rate


Purpose of the work.One of the
important components of technical and tactical actions (TTA) in competitive activity is defensive
actions. The main defensive actions include: tackling, single combats, interceptions. Tackling is the
act of gaining possession of the ball, which is controlled by an opponent. Objective. Conduct a
comparative analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of technical and tactical actions
(tackling) of the Metalist-1925 team in various zones of the football field in the games of the
Ukrainian championship 2019 for 10 calendar games in order to adjust and improve the
educational and training process. Material and methods. The study was carried out during the
period of the competitive activity of the team of the Ukrainian Championship 2019 among the teams
of the first league. The study participants were qualified football players. Research methods:
theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, methods of pedagogical
observations, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: а comparative analysis of the
quantitative and qualitative indicators of technical and tactical actions in defense was carried out,
using the example of the tackling of the ball by the players of the Metalist-1925 team in different
zones of the football field for 10 calendar games. This made it possible to analyze this element in
more detail, highlight the positive and negative aspects, and make it possible to make adjustments
to the training process. Conclusions. Based on the obtained indicators, we can conclude that the
players of the Metalist-1925 team, for 10 calendar games in the Ukrainian Championship 2019,
make a significant number of mistakes when performing the selection. As evidenced by the marriage
rate, the lowest indicator is 37.5%, and the highest is 62.5%, which is significantly lower than the
model indicators of highly qualified football players (25%). Which indicates the need to pay
attention in the training process to such a technical and tactical action as taking the ball, in order
to increase the effectiveness of defensive actions

Author Biographies

Vladimir Perevoznik, Kharkiv StateAcademy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Volodymyr Paievskyi, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

к. физ. восп., доцент


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How to Cite

Perevoznik, V., & Paievskyi, V. (2023). Comparative analysis of technical and tactical actions (on the example of ball tackling) of the Metalist-1925 team in different areas of the football field in the games of the Ukrainian championship 2019. Sports Games, (2(20), 64–71.


