Studying the characteristics of the process of puberty in young athletes in a number of team sports




female athletes, basketball, volleyball, handball, puberty and adolescence puberty, stage violation, menarch, telarche, pubarche


Purpose of the research: to present the comparative results of
the study, to determine the existing dynamics and stages in the development of puberty in female
athletes of puberty and adolescence, engaged in a number of game sports. Material and research
methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; research of available medical
records; inspection; extended interviewing; method of mathematical statistics. Results of the
research: the obtained data and their analysis testify to numerous systemic violations of the stages
and dynamics of the process of puberty in the overwhelming number of surveyed athletes, in each of
the age groups presented. The most common disorder, among all types of manifestations of the
process of puberty, is late menarche, compared to girls and girls of the same age in the population.
Conclusions: According to the results of the study, it was determined that in the studied groups of
athletes, in all the presented game sports, there are manifestations of such types of violations of the
stages of puberty as late and incomplete thelarche and, later menarche, as the dominant symptom
complex of the revealed disorders. We believe that the identified in athletes, both individual and
intragroup disorders of the stages and dynamics of puberty, in combination with somatic changes in
young athletes, are due to individual adaptive changes in their bodies, and are directly related to
the physical and psycho-emotional stress they experience when they are engaged in this game sport.
The revealed changes require revision by the coaching team, with the participation of a sports
doctor, and adaptive correction of individual loads when planning training-competitive algorithms
in micro-, meso- and macrocycles. Taking into account the fact that all the athletes who took part in
the study began active sports activity before the appearance of their first menstruation, and the
presence of numerous violations of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, with the presence of intense
physical exertion, the whole complex of revealed violations can be regarded as a result adaptive
processes occurring in these female athletes.

Author Biography

Konstantin Bugaevsky , Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University

PhD (medical sciences), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Bugaevsky , K. (2023). Studying the characteristics of the process of puberty in young athletes in a number of team sports. Sports Games, (1(19), 4–14.


