Integral assessment and normative scales for assessing the technical readiness indicators of basketball players aged 13-14
control, integral assessment, technical readiness, normative scales, level of preparednessAbstract
The article is
devoted to the development of an integral assessment and normative scales for assessing the
indicators of technical readiness of basketball players 13-14 years old for use in the process of
stage control. The formulas for calculating the integral assessment of technical readiness are
presented, which allows, regardless of the number of tests used in the control, to calculate the level
of readiness. Purpose of the study - on the basis of the analysis and generalization of modern
theoretical data, advanced practical experience and own experimental research, draw up a
formula for calculating the integral assessment of technical readiness for basketball players 13-14
years old. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: analysis of special scientific
and methodological literature, analysis of documentary materials, pedagogical observation,
generalization and systematization of data. On the basis of sigma deviation, normative scales for
assessing technical readiness indicators were developed for twelve basketball-specific tests, with
the determination of the ranges of five levels of readiness - low, below average, average, above
average and high, for stage control of basketball players 13-14 years old. With the help of the
integral assessment, the coach will be able to determine the level of various sides of the players'
readiness both individually and on average for the team, as well as differentiated by groups of
basketball players with the same characteristics (role, height, length of time in basketball, etc.).
This approach allows the trainer to compare the results of different athletes based on the test
results, the principle of expression in conventional units remains the same.
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