Perfection the technical readiness of rugby players based on the development of the speed-strength skills




Rugby League, speed-strength qualities, special exercises;, technical skills.


Purpose: to
increase the technical readiness indicators of rugby players aged 16-18 on the basis of the
development of speed-strength skills. Materials and research methods: 30 rugby players aged 16-18 took part in the research. Theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources was
aimed at the chosen issue. Pedagogical testing included the following tests to determine the
indicators of speed-strength readiness: length triple jump from the place, vertical jump from the
place, running 30 m with the ball, lifting the bar to the chest, shuttle run (3x10 m) and indicators of
latent time of tension and relaxation muscle of athletes. The following tests was used for estimation
of technical readiness: transfer of the ball in pairs; tackle; strike the ball "high ball", catching the
ball after the strike, kick and catch the ball on the move, a strike on range from the hands, "drop
kick", strike on goal. The essence of the pedagogical experiment was the content supplement of the
training process of rugby players aged 16-18 with specially selected running and jumping exercises
with weight loads of partners and overcoming their resistance, which performed in pairs and
threes. The division of players into pairs and threes was in accordance with the weight and height
of rugby players. One exercise included own weight or partner's weight and one exercise with
overcoming the partner's resistance. Both exercises proposed for performance were from different
blocks: one running, one jumping, which performed in series. Between performed exercises from
different blocks, stretching exercises were provided for the muscles that took part in the previous
work lasting 1-1,5 minutes. The total training load was 26 hours per week, which corresponds to
the normative requirements of the rugby program for children and youth sports schools, specialized
children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of higher sportsmanship and
specialized sports schools for athletes of this age and qualification. Results: After the pedagogical
experiment the rugby players of the experimental group showed some improvements in speedstrength and technical readiness which were more pronounced compared to the changes of rugby
players in the control group. Conclusions: during the pedagogical experiment the application
efficiency of the offered exercises for development of speed-strength qualities as a basis of
perfection of game technique of rugby players 16-18 years was proved.

Author Biographies

Vladlena Pasko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), associate professor

Olena Nesen, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD (physical education and sport)

Artur Martyrosian, Educational and Scientific Institute

PhD (Physical Education and Sports), associate professor

Irina Pomeshchikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical education and Sport), assistant professor


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How to Cite

Pasko, V. ., Nesen, O. ., Martyrosian, A., & Pomeshchikova, I. . (2023). Perfection the technical readiness of rugby players based on the development of the speed-strength skills. Sports Games, (1(19), 42–51.


