Model characteristics of sensorimotor indices of students of KSAPC specialization «badminton, tennis»




model characteristics, students, indicators, sensorimotor reactions, specific perceptions, tennis, badminton


Purpose: to develop model characteristics of sensorimotor indicators of students of KSAPC
specialization «badminton, tennis». Material and methods. The study used the following methods:
analysis of scientific and methodological literature, Internet sources and generalization of
advanced practical experience, psychophysiological research methods, methods of mathematical
statistics. The study involved 22 students of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture
(KSAPC) specializing in tennis and badminton. The age of the participants is from 18 to 22 years
old. Athletes had qualifications from the 2nd category to the candidate for master of sports.
Results: based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, Internet sources and
generalization of advanced practical experience, it was revealed that the specificity of an athlete's
competitive activity leaves its mark on the level of development of the leading sensorimotor
reactions that ensure high sports achievements. In the course of the study, an assessment was made
of: simple sensorimotor reactions (simple motor skills; resistance to confounding factors; simple
auditory-motor reaction), complex sensorimotor reactions (selection reaction from static objects;
reaction to a moving object; discrimination reaction), specific perceptions (feeling rate; assessment
of the perception of changes in the size of the object). Conclusions: the data obtained indicate the
homogeneity of indicators of simple and complex reactions of the studied students (from 5,46 % to
10,65 %), except for the indicator of a complex reaction to a moving object, which has a high
coefficient of variation (28,32 %). Indicators in tests that reflect specific perceptions of students
also have a high coefficient of variation (from 13,56 % to 35,53 %), this is explained by the fact
that specific perceptions and indicators of a complex reaction to a moving object reflect, to a
greater extent, individual, a genetically determined psychophysiological state characteristic of a
particular athlete. Model characteristics of sensorimotor reactions and specific perceptions of
students of sportsmen of KSAPC of badminton, tennis specialization have been developed, which
can become the basis for creating express diagnostics of readiness for competition.

Author Biographies

Oleg Shevchenko , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Yura Tropin , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Vyacheslav Romanenko , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Nataliy Veretelnikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


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How to Cite

Shevchenko , O., Tropin , Y., Romanenko , V., & Veretelnikova, N. (2023). Model characteristics of sensorimotor indices of students of KSAPC specialization «badminton, tennis». Sports Games, (1(19), 75–83.


