The State of Physical Preparedness of Ten-Year-Old Tennis Players




physical preparedness, tennis, quickness, speed, strength, speed and strength abilities, coordination abilities, flexibility


The article is devoted to the physical preparedness
of tennis players. This physical preparedness is an integral part of the sportsmen preparation. The
aim of the research is to reveal the level of physical preparedness of ten-years-old tennis players 8
young 10 years old tennis players (4 girls and 4 boys), who train in the sport club "Sport & court"
in Kharkiv. took part in the research. During the study the following methods were used: analysis
and generalization of literary sources, testing and methods of mathematical statistics. The results of
testing show that the level of development of the studied boys’ physical qualities is slightly higher
than girls’ physical qualities, though reliability of differences between them is not defined (p≥0,05).
The comparison of the results with the standards of physical preparedness for 10 years old
schoolchildren allowed us to set a high level of their development. In both, girls and boys, speed
index and abdominal strength indicators correspond to a score of 5, and the agility indicators
correspond to a score of 4. The speed and strength ability, determined by the results of the long
jump from a place, corresponded to the score of 5 for girls and 4 for boys. Only flexibility measures
are low and correspond to the score of 2 for girls and the score of 1 for boys. At the same time, it is
noted that the level of development of physical qualities pointed in the study is not sufficient for
qualitative playing tennis. The authors point out the need for targeted influence on the level of
physical preparedness and the development of sensorimotor abilities of young sportsmen. This
influence will have a positive impact on their competitive performance of young sportsmen.

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Shesterova , Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

Candidate of Science of Physical Education and Sport
(Ph.D.), Professor

Daria Vsevolodivna, Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior

Liudmyla Gryshchenko, Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and
Methodology of Physical Education


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How to Cite

Shesterova , L., Vsevolodivna, D., & Gryshchenko, . L. (2023). The State of Physical Preparedness of Ten-Year-Old Tennis Players. Sports Games, (1(19), 95–100.


