Comparative Characteristics of Approaches to Footballers' Training at the Stage of Preliminary Basic Training in Football Organisations in Lviv
football organizations, training programs, young football players, stage of preliminary basic trainingAbstract
Modern football is developing in various directions. Taking into account the extensive system of football competitions for adults in Ukraine (premier league, first league, second league, amateur championship, regional championships and championships of districts or cities), an important role is played by the compliance of training programs with the age characteristics of athletes and the effectiveness of organizations. who train young football players in Ukraine. Today, among them are specialized organizations for the training of football players in the city of Lviv, namely: "Rukh", "Lviv" and "Karpaty". Purpose: to establish the common and distinctive features of training programs for football players at the stage of preliminary basic training in Lviv football organizations (for example, "Rukh", "Lviv", "Karpaty"). Material and methods. In the process of research, the main information material for filling the publication was the data of training programs for football players in football organizations of Lviv: "Rukh", "Lviv" and "Karpaty". Also, the materials of Ukrainian and foreign professional scientific publications related to the training of young football players were taken into account. Results. One of the main factors in the education of football players is the effectiveness of organizations that implement this process in practice and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the training programs that athletes follow. The main goal of the long–term training of young football players abroad is to educate strong football players, endowed with skills and abilities that allow them to effectively play the game in conditions of shortage of time and space and physical contact with the opponent. In all programs of football organizations of Lviv, which are engaged in the training of young football players ("Rukh", "Lviv" and "Karpaty"), the same emphasis in the educational and training process is followed today. In particular, during the training of young football players in Lviv, special attention is paid to work on improving tactical preparation, individual skills, the ability to act in "1x1" situations, tactical thinking, mental preparation, etc. This is due to the fact that the programs used to train players in the mentioned Lviv organizations are based on the basic training programs for football players of the best academies in the world. Also, training programs for young Ukrainian football players contain data from fundamental domestic scientific works.
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