The research of effectiveness and stability of performance of the top ball serve in a game by volleyball players of teams of different qualification
volleyball, ball delivery, delivery efficiency, delivery stabilityAbstract
The article deals with issues related to the performance of ball serves by teams in the XXXI Ukrainian Championship (men) of the 2021/2022 season in the Higher and 1st league-Dmart. The purpose of the study: to analyse the performance and stability of the top serve in the games of volleyball teams of different qualifications Material and methods of the study. The study was conducted from October 2021 to February 2022. We analysed the statistical data of the XXXI Ukrainian Championship of the First and Higher League-Dmart of the 2021/2022 season in volleyball of men's teams and other teams according to the following indicators: best serve (service aces), best serve (service aces/party). To study the performance and stability of ball serves by players of teams of different qualifications, observations (protocol record) of competitive games were used. A total of 20 games were analysed. Results of the study. Serving is a technical technique by which the ball is put into play. Our observations of competitive games allowed us to study the use of different sports qualifications by players in their playing practice of ways of serving the ball. Thus, we have determined that the most frequently used by players of both high and low qualification are upper direct serves (86.1 %). Of these, 55.6 % are jump serves. It is also established that the higher the indicators of efficiency and stability of ball serves of these teams, the higher the level of qualification of teams in the league and the place in the standings of the championship. Conclusions. 1. It has been found that.
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