Research of the level of physical fitness of first - second year students of the Ukrainian State University of Railway




physical fitness, students, young men, physical education


Determination of the level of physical fitness of students of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. The study involved 76 students who, for health reasons, belong to the main medical group. During the study, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, testing, methods of mathematical processing of results. Analysis of the level of physical readiness of 1st year students showed that it basically corresponds to «3» and «2» points, 2nd year students – «3» and «4». Endurance is worse than students of the 1st and 2nd courses. Based on the results of
our pedagogical research, we can draw the following conclusions: 1. Timely diagnosis of the level of physical fitness of students at the beginning of university (first year) allows you to identify existing gaps in their physical fitness. 2. Timely diagnosis and control of physical condition in
higher education allow to make appropriate adjustments to the program of physical education in order to improve and further develop the basic physical qualities of students. The results of the pedagogical experiment indicate that, at the time of testing, a higher level of physical fitness have young men of the second year. It should be noted that second-year students regularly attended physical education classes and followed a certain program to improve general physical fitness, which had a positive impact on the level of development of their physical qualities and physical\ fitness in general. Planning, implementation and management of the educational process in higher education institutions of Ukraine can be successful only with the receipt of objective data on the physical fitness of students. Analysis and generalization of literary sources showed insufficient study of the initial level of physical fitness of students.

Author Biographies

Vitaliy Grinko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Senior Lecturer

Victoria Kudelko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Assistant Professor

Angelica Yefremova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Ph.D. Physical Training and Sport Sciences, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Grinko, V., Kudelko, V. ., & Yefremova, A. (2020). Research of the level of physical fitness of first - second year students of the Ukrainian State University of Railway. Sports Games, (4(18), 14–21.