Analysis of the performance of National Sitting Volleyball teams at Paralympic Games and the possibility of the development of this sport in a world




The Paralympic Games, national teams, Paralympic champions, competitions, volleyball


Sitting volleyball – Paralympic sport and an athletic game with high requirements for Paralympic players of different level. A rampant development of sitting volleyball requires a constant increase and intensity of physical exercises during trainings and competitions of Paralympic volleyball players, which expects a search of new forms, resources and methods of training process organization. The aim of the research – analysis of the performance of National
Sitting Volleyball teams at Paralympic Games (1980-2016). Methods: analysis of methodological literature and technical protocols in the Internet, methods of mathematical statistics on the current problem. Results: The article contains an analysis and evaluation of the performance of the National Sitting Volleyball Teams at Paralympic Games. Differentiating features were investigated, which shows correlation of forces of different sitting volleyball schools. The article presents the dynamics of participating sitting volleyball teams at Paralympic Games, both men and women, which defines a rapid development of an international Paralympic movement and sitting volleyball itself. The problems of the development of sitting volleyball in Ukraine and its solutions were
distinguished. Conclusion: the popularity of sitting volleyball has increased worldwide for the last years. The number of participating countries is increasing. One of the main problems of the development of the sport is a lack of sufficient information on training process for people with locomotor disabilities. It was defined the world sitting volleyball leaders are: the National Team of Iran (men) and the National team of USA (women). The National Teams of the Netherlands and Bosnia and Herzegovina (men) and National Team of China (women) have participated at all Paralympic tournaments, showed stable results and good rivalry. The progress of the National Team of Ukraine can be defined.

Author Biographies

Yaroslav Maloivan , Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

аssociate Professor

Serhii Ovcharenko , Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate


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How to Cite

Maloivan , Y., & Ovcharenko , S. (2020). Analysis of the performance of National Sitting Volleyball teams at Paralympic Games and the possibility of the development of this sport in a world. Sports Games, (4(18), 22–30.