The effectiveness of the methodology for the development of special endurance in young handball players




young handball players, endurance, training, technique, special endurance, testing


Purpose - to investigate the
effectiveness of using the methodology for the development of special endurance of young handball
players of the national team of the Kherson region. Material and methods: the research was
carried out during September 2019 - January 2020 with the national handball team of girls from
the Kherson region. The introduction of the methodology for the development of endurance,
observation of the training process and testing the level of special endurance was carried out on the
basis of the Kherson Higher School of Physical Culture (HVUFK) in the universal hall of Kherson.
The study involved 12 athletes born in 2003-2004. To determine the level of development of general
and special endurance, 2 tests were carried out: Cooper-test and Beep-test. In order to determine
the level of endurance development, testing was carried out at the beginning of the winter training
camp (06-07.01.2020) and at the end of the training camp (27-28.01.2020). During this period,
training sessions were held twice a day: on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. On other days - one
workout. During the training, various exercises were used to develop endurance, namely: various
types of shuttle running, exercises with a ball for a while, various types of jumps, such as jumping
rope, jumping over a certain obstacle, using a bicycle ergometer and outdoor games, which
contributed to the emotional release of girls. Results: it was found that during the experiment the
average value of female handball players in the Cooper-test group increased from X±s =2319.167
± 9.172 meters to X ± s = 2439.167 ± 7.485 meters. However, this difference was not significant (t
= 1.027 at p> 0.05). Opposite data were obtained when comparing the results of the Beep-test.
During the experiment, there was a significant increase in indicators from X ± s = 7.92 ± 1.042
levels to X ± s = 9.08 ± 0.382 levels (t = 3.286 at p <0.05). Conclusions: it has been reliably
proven that the technique applied during the experiment had a positive effect on the indices of
special endurance with an indirect effect on the indices of general endurance. Application of the
basic principles and meaningful components of the training process of handball players in the
national team of the Kherson region, allowed to significantly increase the level of physical fitness of
young handball players in general and special endurance in particular.

Author Biographies

Yevhenii Strykalenkо, Kherson State University

Olympic and Professional Sports
Department Candidate of Physical Education and Sport, Associate Professor

Oleh Shalar, Kherson State University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Viktor Huzar, Херсонська державна морська академія

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Strykalenkо Y. ., Shalar, O., & Huzar, V. . (2020). The effectiveness of the methodology for the development of special endurance in young handball players. Sports Games, (4(18), 84–94.