Development of agility in volleyball players of 10-12 years old.




young athlete, volleyball, dexterity development, sports and training activities


One of the urgent problems in modern sports is the study of the development of special physical qualities in athletes, because the ability to quickly react to a constantly changing game situation, to react correctly and qualitatively to a ball flying at high speed, to quickly move from one action to another, is of great importance in volleyball and greatly affects the final result of the game. In sports games, the complex of these skills is combined with the concept of "dexterity". Dexterity is a complex psychophysical complex that includes the ability to distribute and concentrate attention, the ability to quickly orient, think quickly, direct willpower to manage emotions and perform complex coordinated actions. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the applied set of exercises aimed at developing dexterity in volleyball players aged 10–12 years. Material and research methods. The research described in the article used the following methods: theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. The study sample consisted of 16 athletes aged 10–12 years (CG n=8, EG n=8). The research was carried out on the basis of the KZ "Poltava SDYUSSHOR No. 2". Results of the study: the conducted study revealed that the set of exercises we use has a positive effect on the development of dexterity in volleyball players aged 10–12, which is observed in a significant (p<0,05) increase in indicators and can be used in the educational and training process of training volleyball players of all age groups. Conclusions: dexterity in volleyball is manifested in the performance of all technical and tactical actions and is closely related to strength, speed, endurance, flexibility. During the study, all the investigated indicators of both experimental (p<0.05) and control (p>0.05) groups changed positively in athletes. The reliability of the differences of the studied indicators is confirmed by the results of the paired Student’s t-test. Research on the development of athletes’ dexterity at the final stage of the study revealed an improvement in indicators in the control group (in exercises "2", "5", "7"), as well as in the experimental group (in exercises "1", "3", "4", "6" – maximum, in exercises "2", "5", "7" – average). The analysis of the data obtained during the experiment on the development of dexterity in volleyball players aged 10–12 years allows us to state that the athletes of the experimental group had the best performance.

Author Biographies

Alla Heta, Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports

Viktor Heta, Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic National University

graduate of higher education


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How to Cite

Heta, A. ., & Heta, V. (2024). Development of agility in volleyball players of 10-12 years old . Sports Games, (2(32), 23–35.