Application of the coordination particle in the variable module "Basketball" in physical education lessons




physical culture, basketball, student, lesson, means, elements


Purpose: to determine the effect of the use of a set of coordination-oriented exercises on the physical fitness of 10th graders using coordination shot when studying the "Basketball" module. Material and methods. The research was conducted in the city of Kharkiv, on the basis of the Communal Institution "Kharkiv Lyceum № 118 of the Kharkiv City Council". 60 students of 10th grade took part in the study. The age of the students is 15-16 years. Classes were held three times a week, lasting 45 minutes. Running, jumping exercises, exercises with rotations using a coordination ladder were included in the educational process. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological sources and Internet data, generalization of theoretical and practical experience of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports games, pedagogical testing, pedagogical research, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: The analysis of the obtained results shows that under the influence of the proposed means with the use of coordination shot, indicators of physical development are better in the experimental group than in the control group. The results of the arithmetic mean indicators when jumping rope in 1 minute in the experimental group are greater than in the control group by 15.43 %. According to the coefficient of variation, the indicators of students of the experimental group are more stable in the indicators of the general population V – 21.47, than in the control group – 32.57 %. The average performance of the shuttle run test 4×9 m (s) in the experimental group is better by 9.94 % compared to the control group. The coefficient of variation in the sample when throwing a small ball on the distance from the run (m) is 11.91 and 12.12 %, respectively. Test performance indicators: standing long jump (sm), variable speed running 98 m (s), running 60 m (s), do not differ significantly but are better in the experimental group compared to the control group in the range of 2.14–6.71 % . The analysis of the technical readiness of 10th grade students at the end of the study showed that after applying the proposed program, the average performance of the experimental group was better than that of the control group by 7.24 to 17.36 %. Conclusions After conducting a pedagogical experiment with the use of "coordination shot", the biggest differences between the average indicators of physical and technical readiness were observed in the tests: jumping rope in 1 minute – 15.43%; dribbling the ball with throwing it into the basket (c) – 16.21%; 10 free throws for accuracy (number of hits) – 17.36%; shuttle run 4×9 m (s) – 9.95%. The analysis of indicators of physical and technical readiness of students after conducting a pedagogical experiment established that the test results of the experimental group have statistically significant differences according to the Student's criterion from the indicators of the control in the tests at p<0.05: jumping rope in 1 minute – t=2.21; shuttle run 4×9 m (s) – t=2.49; 10 free throws for accuracy (number of hits) t=2.28; dribbling the ball with throwing it into the basket (c) t=2.75.

Author Biographies

Igor Pashkov, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport)

Lyudmila Pashkova, communal institution «Kharkiv Lyceum № 118 of the Kharkiv City Council»

physical education teacher


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How to Cite

Pashkov, I. ., & Pashkova, L. . (2024). Application of the coordination particle in the variable module &quot;Basketball&quot; in physical education lessons. Sports Games, (1(31), 41–50.


