Developing of speed and strength qualities in 13-14-years-old schoolchildren by means of volleyball.




methodology, volleyball, schoolchildren aged 13‒14, speed and strength qualities, means


The purpose of the work is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the methodology for the developing of speed and strength qualities in 13‒14-years-old schoolchildren by means of volleyball. Material and methods. The conducted pedagogical experiment was carried out on the basis of the Krolevets Lyceum No. 1 of the Krolevets City Council in Sumy Region. 33 schoolchildren aged 13-14 (pupils of the 9th form) participated in the experiment. They were divided into a control (KG, n=16 students) and an experimental (EG, n=17 students) groups. The duration of the pedagogical experiment was September-December 2023. Schoolchildren in CG and EG studied according to the Curriculum for general secondary education institutions "Physical culture for 6-9 grades" (2022), recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. In EG, the methodology for the developing 13‒14-years-old schoolchildren’s speed and strength qualities by means of volleyball was additionally implemented. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical experiment, control testing according to L. P. Sergienko (standing long jump; running 30 meters from a high start; throwing a stuffed ball (1 kg) from a sitting position, legs apart; standing high jump); methods of mathematical statistics. Results. At the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment, the following indicators of the level of speed and strength qualities development in schoolchildren aged 13-14 were obtained: in CG, 2 children (12%) had a high level, 6 children (38%) had an average level, 8 children (50 %) had a low level; in EG, 2 children (12%) had a high level, 7 children (41%) had an average level, 8 children (47%) had a low level. We should note that the indicators of CG and EG were at the same level. At the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, a methodology for developing speed and strength qualities in 13‒14-years-old schoolchildren by means of volleyball was developed and implemented in EG. It included the creating of the educational and training process program for the developing speed and strength qualities in 13‒14-years-old schoolchildren by means of volleyball. During the creation of the methodology, special sets of exercises were developed to improve the level of development of speed and strength qualities. The following results regarding the levels of development of speed and strength qualities in schoolchildren aged 13‒14 years were obtained at the control stage of the experiment: in the CG, 3 children (18%) had a high level, 7 children (44%) had an average level, 6 children (38 %) had a low level. In EG, 7 children (41%) had a high level, 8 children (47%) had an average level, 2 children (12%) had a low level. Thus, the results of conducted pedagogical experiment showed that the use of a wide variety of special exercises in the training process of volleyball players with strict regulation has a positive effect on the development of speed and strength qualities. Conclusions. During the pedagogical experiment, the methodology for the development of speed and strength qualities in 13-14-years-old schoolchildren by means of volleyball proved its effectiveness within experimental testing and can be recommended for use in the practical activities of Physical Education teachers and coaches.

Author Biography

Nataliia Khlus, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

сandidate of physical training and sport, Assistant professor, head of the department of theory and methods of physical education


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How to Cite

Khlus, N. . (2024). Developing of speed and strength qualities in 13-14-years-old schoolchildren by means of volleyball. Sports Games, (1(31), 65–74.


