Relationship between technical training and psycho-physiological reactions in tennis players 11-12 years old




tennis players, technical readiness, indicators, psychophysiological reactions, relationships


Purpose: to investigate the relationship between indicators of technical readiness and psychophysiological reactions in female tennis players aged 11-12 years. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literary sources; pedagogical testing of indicators of psychophysiological reactions and technical readiness; methods of mathematical statistics. The research took place on the basis of the tennis club of Poltava. 10 female tennis players aged 11-12, who had 3-4 years of tennis experience, took part. Results: It was determined that the reactions of choosing from static objects have a low; reactions to a moving object - average; simple motor skills - high; simple visual-motor reaction - average. In technical preparation, it was found that the level of rebound shots is low. It was better to hit diagonally. The coefficient of variation for rebound shots on the diagonal was more uniform up to 17.82%, and on a straight line it was slightly up to 20.56%. In take-off strikes, the level was low. The coefficient of variation showed greater discrepancies for left-to-left takeoff strikes of 21.08%. For other indicators of takeoff strikes, the coefficient of variation did not exceed 16%. A low level was detected during the feed test. The coefficient of variation was 23.37% to the left field, 21.36% to the right field. Conclusions. It was established, on the basis of correlation analysis of psychophysiological and technical indicators, a low level of interconnections of simple motor skills and strokes from take-off from left to right r=0.64. But the average correlations between the indicators of rebound strokes from right to right and from left to right r=0.81, strokes from left to left and from right to left r=0.73 and from left to right r=0.71, rebound strokes from right to right with take-off strokes from right to left r=0.70, take-off strokes from right to right with strokes from left to right r=0.72 were obtained. Thus, it is possible to define that at this stage of preparation of tennis players of 11-12 years old significant correlations are established between indicators of technical fitness. Psychophysiological indicators had a low level of correlation.

Author Biography

Oleg Shevchenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Candidate of science in (physical education and sport), Associate Professor Assosiate Professor


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, O. (2024). Relationship between technical training and psycho-physiological reactions in tennis players 11-12 years old. Sports Games, (1(31), 98–107.


