Sports and movement games with elements of applied swimming as a means of teaching and improving children's swimming skills
swimming, mobile games, children, elements of applied swimming, swimming fitnessAbstract
The content of classes at the initial stage of training depends on the formation of children's interest in sport. Loss of interest in training can occur due to a lack of emotionality and variety in the learning process. The purpose of our study was to develop a methodology for teaching swimming to 8-year-old children in groups of initial training of the second year of study based on the use of sports and movement games with elements of applied swimming. Material and methods: Data collection was carried out in groups of children attending swimming lessons at the "Pioneer" pool in Kharkiv (KZ MSDYUSHOR water sports by Yana Klochkova). 30 children took part in the study. The subjects were divided into experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups. In terms of sex, age and quantity, the composition of EG and CG was identical (8-year-old boys, 15 people in each group). At the beginning of the experiment, no statistically significant differences were found between the groups of swimmers in any of the studied indicators. The content of training classes in both groups corresponded to the official DYUSHOR swimming program. According to the conditions of the experiment, every third lesson per week in the experimental group was conducted in a game form using elements of applied swimming. The following research methods were used during data collection: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from literary sources; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation; test method (control tests); methods of mathematical statistics. Results: The study revealed that both in the CG and in the EG there is a positive dynamic of changes in the results, but in the experimental group, unlike the control group, there is a significant improvement in the results according to most indicators of the physical swimming (technical) readiness of young athletes (р<0.05 ). Conclusions: It was established that the use of game forms in classes with young swimmers provides effective development of motor abilities. In EG, in contrast to CG, we obtained a significant increase in the level of physical fitness by all indicators (p<0.05). Also in EG we found a significantly higher level of performance of all test tasks on technical fitness (p<0.05). The results of the study prove that the use of sports and movement games with elements of applied swimming have a positive effect on learning and improving swimming skills of children of primary school age and confirms the effectiveness of the author's methodology.
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