Development of older preschool children’s agility by means of badminton game.




methodology, badminton, older preschool children, physical qualities, agility, sports games


The purpose of the work: to investigate the level of dexterity development, is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the methodology for the developing of older preschool children’s agility by means of the sports game of badminton. Material and methods. The pedagogical experiment was carried out on the basis of the Communal Organization "Shostka Educational Complex: Shostka Comprehensive School No. 9 - Preschool Educational Institution of Shostka City Council of Sumy Region" from January to June in 2023. 28 children of the older group of the preschool education institution took part in the pedagogical experiment, two experimental groups were formed: CG (n=14) and EG (n=14). The children of the CG were educated according to the educational program "Child", the children of the EG were also brought up in accordance with the educational program "Child" as well as the developed work system for the development of agility in older preschool children by means of badminton game. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical experiment, control testing (a quantitative indicator of dexterity development; according to E. S. Vilchkovskyi, О.І. Kurok): the snake run at a distance of 10 m, throwing and catching a ball, bouncing a ball off the floor. Diagnostics for determining the level of agility development among older preschool children was carried out on the basis of control tests, criteria and indicators (qualitative indicator of dexterity development; according to V. L. Liakh): compliance and accuracy of motor actions, coordination complexity of movements, speed of motor reaction. Results. At the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment, the following indicators were obtained: 2 children (14%) in the CG and 3 children (21%) in the EG had a high level of agility development; 6 children (43%) in the CG and the same number of respondents in the EG had a medium level; 6 children (43%) in CG and 5 children (36%) in EG had a low level. The results collected during the diagnosis of the levels of agility development in the experimental groups has shown that they had identical indicators of high, medium and low levels, that is, both groups were at the same level; a significant number of children in the experimental groups had difficulties in performing the test. At the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, a system of work on the development of agility in older preschool children was developed and implemented in EG by means of the sports game of badminton. It was implemented in the following directions: work with children, interaction with teachers and parents. Work with children was carried out in three stages: at the theoretical stage, the children got a theoretical introduction to the sport game of badminton (showing a presentation about the impact of badminton on children's bodies, the history of the sport game of badminton and the use of equipment (shuttlecock, rackets). At the organizational stage, a perspective plan for conducting classes in the badminton was developed and the requirements to them were determined. At the practical stage, classes were held 2 times a week. The game materials, song compositions, moving games and methodical techniques (exercising from unusual starting positions, mirror execution of exercises, with changing the speed and pace of movements, performing exercises to the right and left, with two hands, complicating the exercises with additional movements) were selected to create interesting moments during the classes, At the control stage of the experiment, the effectiveness of the developed system of work on the development of older preschool children’s agility by means of the badminton game was tested. Conclusions. During the pedagogical experiment, the methodology developed by us confirmed its effectiveness and can be used in work with children of older preschool age in modern preschool education institutions.

Author Biography

Nataliia Khlus, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

сandidate of physical training and sport, Assistant professor, head of the department of theory and methods of physical education


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How to Cite

Khlus, N. (2024). Development of older preschool children’s agility by means of badminton game. Sports Games, (2(32), 146–156.