Methodology for general increasing the level of physical training of football students who are engaged in ISS groups
football, physical training, students, training processAbstract
On the basis of systematization and analysis of literary data and pedagogical advanced
experience methodologies of different authors that influence on development of physical qualities of
footballers are studied. It is set as a result of research, that the worked out experimental
methodology that is based on systematic application of physical exercises of aerobically-anaerobic
character is effective and resulted in the increase of level of physical preparedness of students-footballers that occupy in the groups of PSM. Objective: ground and leading to of efficiency of
experimental methodology of increase of level of physical preparedness of students-footballers that
occupy in the groups of PSM. Material and Methods: a pedagogical experiment was conducted on
the base of educational-scientific institute of physical culture of the Sumy state pedagogical
university of the name А. S. Makarenko. In research the sportsmen of the combined team of the
NNIFK of different qualification took part in age from 17-21 to with experience of training 4-6.
During an experiment we used the next methods of research: theoretical analysis and
generalization of data of scientifically-methodical literature and documentary materials,
pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: The
experimental method we developed consisted of four blocks: exercises for the development of
general endurance, strength, speed and speed-force. The main means of developing aerobic
endurance was cross-country running, whose duration ranged from 15-20 to 60 minutes. at heart
rate of 150 beats / min. Means of development of speed-force endurance were exercises in blows on
a ball on a force and accuracy, in single fights of partners for a ball. For the development of speed
endurance used acceleration of 15-30m with rest from 15s to 30s. After applying the technique we
developed, the result of running 30m from a high start before the experiment was 4.36 ± 0.08s, and
after the experiment improved to 4.05 ± 0.05s, ie 7.6%. In the 7x50m shuttle run before the experiment, the result was 60.7 ± 0.43s, and after the experiment improved to 56.6 ± 0.48s, ie increased by 7.2%. The results in the long jump from the test had an increase after the introduction
of the method, which amounted to 4.3%. Conclusions. It was set as a result of analysis of literary
sources, that physical exercises are one of the fixed assets of not only development and perfection of
physical qualities but also assist the improvement of технико-тактических actions of sportsmen.
It is set as a result of research, that the experimental methodology that is based on systematic
application of exercises of aerobically-anaerobic character worked out by us, being her
components, are effective and resulted in the increase of level of physical preparedness of students-footballers that занмаются in групах PSM.
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