Sports games in the professional becoming of students




sports games, physical education, physical and psychophysiological qualities


is stated that in order to provide an effective development of the physical education system as well as
the preparation of students for future professional engagement, it is necessary to strengthen the
quality of the educational process with professionally applied physical training. One of the ways to
improve the PAPT process is the formation of new approaches using popular sports games that
contribute to the development of physical and psychophysiological qualities required for future
professional engagement. A goal of the research is to determine а motivation of students to play
sports games, as well as peculiarities of the influence of the sports games on the development of
professionally important physical and psychophysiological qualities in the learning process of
students. Material and research methods. In order to determine the motivation of students of the 1-
4 years of study who want to be involved in sports games, there was used a questionnaire method.
Apart from that, in order to determine the efficiency of the impact of sports games on the
development of professionally important physical and psychophysiological qualities, there has been
conducted a study of three groups of athletes involved in various sports and a group of experts of
economic majors сonsisting of 15 people, whose work experience exceeded 10 years. The group of
students involved in basketball consisted of 12 people, those involved in volleyball of 14 people and
those involved in soccer of 11 people. In order to determine the test results of physical activity, the
following exercises have been used: bent suspension, raising the body from a prone lying position,
cross movements with arms. Automatic logging of psychophysiological tests namely: a simple visual-motor reaction, a visual-motor choice-point behavior, and the number of typed characters according
to the Stamina test was carried out on the computer diagnostic complex NS - Psychotest. A criterion
used for assessing the positive impact of playing sports games was the comparison of the obtained
indicators on the physical and psychophysiological training of students involved in playing sports
with the test results of experts in economic fields. Results. A comparative analysis of the final test
results of the physical and psychophysiological qualities of students involved in sports games with
the experts of the economic fields, strongly suggests that it is appropriate to use sports games in
preparation for future professional engagement. Resume. The article determines the positive
dynamics of changes in indicators of students’ engagement involved in playing sports games in
higher education institutions. The number of students who want to play badminton has increased by
1.36% compared to the academic year of 2018, basketball - by 5.18%, volleyball - by 4.53%,
handball - by 1.89%, the number of people who want to play soccer - increased by 10.58%. A
comparative analysis of the results of the study of the physical and psychophysiological training of
students involved in sports games with the model results of the different experts makes it possible to
assert the expediency of using sports games and their elements in the process of physical education
of students, and in a high-quality professional training of future experts of economic majors.

Author Biographies

Yurii Ostapenko, Sumy State University

Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education
and Sports

Valentina Ostapenko , Sumy State University

Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education
and Sports


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How to Cite

Ostapenko, . Y., & Ostapenko , V. (2024). Sports games in the professional becoming of students. Sports Games, (3(17), 33–42.


