Actual problems of student volleyball in Ukraine
questionnaire, volleyball, student teams, athletesAbstract
In the recent years, student volleyball has been declining in Ukraine. This
tendency is clearly shown by the performance of student teams at the World Universiades. The
World Universiade - 2019 was a failure for Ukrainian national teams. Our team was the 13th
among 20 men's teams and only the 14th among 16 women's teams. But it wasn't a long time ago
when Ukrainian students were сompeting solely for medals. So, in 2011 Ukrainian men's
national team became the silver medalist at the Universiade in China, and the women's team
won the 6th place. In 2013, Ukrainian men's national team lost to Japan in the third place
playoff at the Universiade in Kazan. At the Universiade in South Korea in 2015, both of our
teams won silver medals, and at the Universiade 2017 that took place in Taiwan, Ukrainian
women's national team won bronze medals and the men lost to Japan national team in the match
for third place again.Returning to the World Universiade 2019 tournament, it's worth noting that
both the men's and women's national teams comprised good players that took part in the
National Super League, some of them even played for the National Team of Ukraine. The aim of
the study. The aim of the study was to determine the factors that influence the development of
student volleyball in Ukraine. Research methods: analysis of scientific, methodological
literature and periodicals, questionnaire among the coaches, methods of mathematical statistics.
Organization of the study: the study was conducted at Higher education institutions in Ukraine:
Lutsk, Ternopil, Rivne, Khmelnitsky, Zhytomyr and Kiev. 20 coaches of Ukrainian higher
education institutions III-IV accreditation level participated in the study. Conclusions. Thus, the
survey showed that a large number of factors affect the development of student volleyball in
Ukraine, namely, 50% of coaches believe that student volleyball should receive more support
from the administration of higher education institutions and UVF. 75% of respondents are
dissatisfied with the level of athletes –entrants that are prepared by sports schools. 40% of
respondents claim that there is a lack of motivation among athletes students for the training
process. There are no competitions at all at the local level for the national teams at higher
education institutions - 40%of experts provided the following answer. 50% of respondents - think
that student volleyball is not needed by anyone and UFV holds competitions without considering
the opinion of the team coaches.The qualitative financial support of the volleyball team by the
leadership of higher education institutions was evaluated by 60% of the coaches - by three
points. 90% of those surveyed rated the work of the UVF in the promotion of student volleyball
as unsatisfactory, that is nothing is being done, and competitions are held exclusively at the
expense of institutions of higher education.
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