The comparative analysis of motor functional asymmetry indicators at students of badminton and tennis specialization




functional asymmetry, badminton, tennis, sensory reaction, visual signal


Purpose: to carry out the comparative analysis of motor functional asymmetry indicators at students of
badminton and tennis specialization. Materials and methods. The following methods were used to
solve the problems of research: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical
testing using an instrumental method, methods of mathematical statistics. Testing of motor
functional asymmetry at badminton players and tennis players using a special computer program
was carried out in the research. Students of Kharkiv state academy of physical culture - 7
badminton players and 9 tennis players from masters of sports of Ukraine to the 1st sports category
took part in the research. Results: it is proved that the higher the level of qualification of sportsmen
is, the smaller the difference in testing indicators. Pedagogical testing revealed reliable changes at
badminton players in the number of presses by left and right hands, which indicates the persistence
of functional indicators of motor asymmetry. Tennis players had reliable changes in the number of presses and time of visual-motor reaction by their right hand. Valid changes were determined in the reaction time variation coefficient and the minimum reaction value by the left hand. This confirms
the thought of using the left hand more than at badminton players. Conclusions: it was established
that it is necessary to study and evaluate motor functional asymmetry of sportsmen to plan and
improve the training process in badminton and tennis. The results of the research can be used in the
training process for evaluation of motor functional asymmetry indicators, in selection of training
methodology and improvement of technical-tactical actions and training direction of sportsmen in
badminton and tennis. 

Author Biography

Oleg Shevchenko , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Shevchenko , O., Merzlikin , M., & Chucha, N. (2024). The comparative analysis of motor functional asymmetry indicators at students of badminton and tennis specialization. Sports Games, (3(17), 115–124.


