The dynamics of high-speed and power abilities of players of student teams in 3x3 basketball under the influence of specially selected exercises




basketball players, speed-strength, abilities, encumbrances, resistance, changes


purpose of the study is to improve the performance of high-speed and power abilities of basketball
students under the influence of specially selected exercises with a weighted ball and resistance of
partner. Material and research methods. The study involved two groups of athletes aged 17-19
years in a total of 12 people (control group, n = 6, experimental group, n = 6). The analysis of
literary sources was carried out with the aim of establishing the features of the development of
high-speed and power abilities of basketball players. To determine the indicators of the
development of high-speed and power abilities, tests were used that determined the abilities of the
muscles of the upper shoulder girdle (throwing the ball at a distance, accuracy and speed), torso
(graying from a supine position for 15 seconds) and legs (upward jump from a place). The
pedagogical experiment lasted 9 weeks, during which 27 training sessions were held, and consisted
of introducing into the practice of the experimental group specially selected exercises with a
weighted ball and partner resistance, the implementation of which was close to the game actions of
the basketball players. To analyze the information received, the Microsoft Excel program package
was used, the reliability in the differences was established based on the calculation of the Student
criterion, at p ˂ 0.05. Results. After the pedagogical experiment, the basketball players of the
experimental group experienced improvements in high-speed and power abilities: the result of
throwing a basketball ball to a range improved by 2.5 m (p˂0.05), the result of throwing a stuffed
ball weighing 2 kg increased by 1.16 m (p ˂0.05), the result of an upward jump from a place
improved by 5.33 cm (р˂0.05), the number of torso lifts by athletes increased by 2 times (p˂0.05),
the result of 40 shots from different distances improved by 12.33 points (p˂0.05). Conclusions. The
analysis of scientific and methodological literature showed the relevance of the topic of selection
and application of new complexes of specially selected exercises for solving specific tasks of sports
training. The use of basketball players in the training process in the 3x3 version of the game with a
weighted ball and partner resistance, which were performed in close to playing conditions, had a
positive effect on improving the high-speed and power abilities of athletes.

Author Biography

Olena Nesen, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport)


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How to Cite

Nesen, O. ., & Shyriaeva, I. . (2024). The dynamics of high-speed and power abilities of players of student teams in 3x3 basketball under the influence of specially selected exercises. Sports Games, (2(16), 40–49.