Development of children's agility by means of games with elements of sports swimming




agility, facilities, the game, swimming, children


The aim of the study was to study the impact of the use of outdoor
games on the development of agility and coordination abilities of swimmers 9-10 years old.
Material and methods: data collection was carried out in the training groups of the Pioneer pool
(KO MSDSYUSHOR on water sports Yana Klochkova) and lasted ten weeks. The study involved 20
children 9-10 years old, regularly attend training classes in swimming. The subjects were divided
into two groups: 10 swimmers with the same level of preparedness. The first group is experimental
(EG), the second is the control (CG). The first group is experimental (EG), the second is the control
(CG). All the means that were used during classes in the EG were divided into two groups: 1)
outdoor games and game tasks in the water for the development of dexterity (60%); 2) exercises
that are usually used to develop dexterity (40%). In the CG, mainly traditional exercises provided
by the program were used. Game assignments accounted for approximately 20% of all funds that
were used during classes of this group. Research was carried out in two stages. The level of
development of dexterity was determined before and after the experiment; a comparative analysis of
the data was performed. Applied: analysis of literary sources; test method (control tests)
pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation; method of mathematical processing of research
data. Results: the study showed that the swimmers of the EG significantly improved the test results
due to the use of a set of outdoor games and game tasks with elements of sports swimming during
the training sessions. In the CG, an improvement was also observed, but it was not so noticeable in
comparison with the EG. Conclusions: the appropriateness of the use of outdoor games and game
tasks during classes on the development of agility and coordination abilities of young athletes was established. The proposed technique allowed to significantly increase the level of agility and
coordination abilities of 9-10 year old swimmers. In the EG, there was a significant positive
dynamics in the level of development of coordination abilities in five out of seven studied indicators.
In the CG, positive dynamics took place in one test (p <0.05). In other tests, the indicators are not
reliable (p> 0.05), but positive dynamics are also observed. 


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How to Cite

Sheyko, L. . (2024). Development of children’s agility by means of games with elements of sports swimming. Sports Games, (2(16), 86–94.