The use of special running and jumping exercises for the development of motor qualities and functional state of the extreme and central defender 13-14 years old in football




young football players, motor qualities, morpho-functional indicators, extreme and central defenders, game role


The modern level of sports development places high
requirements to physical training of football players, one of the sides of which is development of
physical qualities and functional state of young football players. Purpose of the study – to
determine the impact of the use of special motor exercises during the preparatory period on the
development of physical qualities and increase the morphological and functional indicators of
extreme and central defenders 13-14 years old. Research materials: the work was performed on the
basis of the Arsenal football club (Kharkov). In total, 16 extreme and central defenders of 13–14
years participated in the studies. The methodological and scientific-theoretical basis was made up
of materialistic theories of the dialectics of a systematic approach, as well as theories and methods
of sports training. In our research, we relied on the theoretical principles of the physiology of
sports when using physical exercises - the basics of managing the training process of young football
players. Research methods: in order to solve the problem, the scientific and methodological
literature on the problem was studied; the indicators of physical fitness and functional status of
young football players were evaluated; conducted a pedagogical experiment; performed statistical data processing, experimental work. Results of the study: the influence of special complexes of running and jumping exercises in accordance with the game role on the level of development of motor qualities and morpho-functional indicators of extreme and central defenders of 13-14 years
is determined. Conclusions: the influence of special running and jumping exercises, which were
used during the preparatory period of young football players of 13-14 years of different playing
roles (extreme and central defenders), increased motor qualities and morpho-functional indicators,
was established. 

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Mulik, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Doctor of Sciences (Physical Education and Sports), Professor

Svyatoslav Koval, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kraynik, Y., Mulik, V., Koval, S. ., & Fedorina, T. . (2024). The use of special running and jumping exercises for the development of motor qualities and functional state of the extreme and central defender 13-14 years old in football. Sports Games, (1(15), 16–24.


