The results of students’ survey of efficiency means the game Ringo the classroom Physical Education




Ringo, students' Physical Education, means of playing Ringo


The relevance of the study is determined, on the one hand, by the value of the game Ringo as an interesting means of physical
education of future teachers, and on the other hand - the need to check the effectiveness means in
physical education. One way to determine the effectiveness of learning Ringo in physical education
classes was interview. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to study students' attitudes toward
using Ringo in physical education classes. Material and methods. 64 students participated in the
study. The study lasted during one academic semester. At the end of the academic semester, when
the students mastered the Ringo, they conducted a survey. Research methods: analysis and
synthesis of these scientific literature; survey methods: interviewing, conversations. Research
results. In order to study students' views on the content and organization of the process of learning
the game Ringo in physical education, we conducted a survey. Summarizing the results of the
surveys, we found that 72% of the students surveyed consider physical education as their favourite
discipline, and the majority of the surveyed students (75.2%) prefer learning material from sports
games. 31% of the respondents prefer to study Ringo, which is higher than other types of sports games (volleyball - 29%, basketball - 21%, football - 19%). All students say that they can play Ringo and say that it is easy to learn this sport game. All respondents acknowledge the need to
introduce a Ringo study into a physical education curriculum at universities. In addition, students
see the practical value of the learning Ringo in their future profession. Conclusions. Summarizing
the survey results, we found that most of the students surveyed have an interest in the game of Ringo
and recommend to study sports game to their friends. All the surveyed students have learned to play
the Ringo and recommend the introduction of new facilities in Physical Education classes. Results
of the study indicate a positive impact of the game Ringo and their increased interest in this type of
exercise. So, Ringo be included in the program of physical education university.

Author Biographies

Halyna Lavrin, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

PhD (Physical education and Sport)

Iryna Sereda, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

PhD (pedagogical sciences)


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How to Cite

Lavrin, H., & Sereda, I. (2024). The results of students’ survey of efficiency means the game Ringo the classroom Physical Education. Sports Games, (1(15), 25–33.


