The formation of the women’s Olympic program in sports games




sports games, Olympic program, equality, women, men, gender equality


Purpose: analysis of the evolution of the women’s Olympic program in sports games.
Material and methods. To write this article were used the protocols of Olympic competitions,
posted on the Internet. Such research methods were used as: theoretical analysis and
generalization of literary sources and Internet resources on the investigated problem, statistical
data processing. Results. The data on the number of sports games in the Olympic program at all
four stages of its formation and data on women participating in the Olympic competitions in
game sports are analyzed. As well as their percentage with the number of men at Olympic
tournaments in sports games.After analyzing the number of men and women participating in the
Olympics and the Olympic Winter Games in game sports at each of the four stages of the
formation of the sports program of the Olympic Games, their total percentage at each stage was
determined: at the first, it amounted to 94% of men and 6% of women ; in the second - 96% of
men and 4% of women at the Olympics and 100% of men at the Olympic Winter Games; the
third - 90% of men and 10% of women at the Olympics and 100% of men at the Olympic Winter
Games; at the fourth stage - 58% of men and 42% of women at the Olympics and 71% of men
and 29% of women at the Olympic Winter Games. The percentage of male athletes and female
athletes in each individual sports game at all Olympic Games was also determined.
Conclusions. Studying the evolution of the women's Olympic program, we determined that to
date, women in playing sports have almost reached 50% equality with men at the Olympics. The
percentage of athletes and athletes is 52% to 48% (2016).At the Olympic Winter Games, women
are gradually increasing their presence in Olympic tournaments, but their ratio for 2018 is 59%
of men and 41% of women. When analyzing individual sports games, it was revealed that in
badminton, basketball, volleyball, beach volleyball, handball, golf, table tennis, rugby, tennis,
field hockey and curling, the ratio of men and women who compete in the Olympic Games is the
same, i.e. 50 to 50%. It remains to achieve gender equality only in water polo (60%: 40%),
football (57%: 43%) and ice hockey (61% : 39%)

Author Biography

Olena Tarasevich, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Olympic and Professional


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How to Cite

Tarasevich, O. (2024). The formation of the women’s Olympic program in sports games. Sports Games, (1(15), 58–73.


