Information technologies learning rugby-5 in high school




rugby-5, students, school, information technology, functional condition


The article discusses the main aspects of the influence of the rugby-5 motor game on the
functional indicators of high school students. An algorithm is described for using a computer
training multimedia program in physical education classes for high school students as part of the
teaching of the Rugby-5 training module. Purpose: to study the influence of the rugby-5 motor game on the functional state of students aged 10-11 and the possibility of using information technology when introducing the rugby-5 motor game in the physical education of schoolchildren.
Methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of references; methods of information modeling of
basketball study; pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, control tests, questioning,
methods of mathematical statistics. Results: students 10-11 years old took part in the study, a
rugby-5 outdoor game was introduced at 15 physical education lessons; computer educational
multimedia program was used in theoretical training on rugby-5; the development is intended to
increase the level of the functional state of the body of schoolchildren; factor analysis allowed us to
establish two main groups of factors affecting the body of students during rugby-5 classes, which
indicate the positive impact of rugby-5 classes on the formation of the children's body.
Conclusions: the effectiveness of using the technique of the motor game of rugby-5 was
established; studied the level of physical development, physical fitness and functional status of high
school students; factor analysis identified two groups of factors that contributed to the improvement
of the cardiovascular system of the organism under study; it was found that among schoolchildren
who played basketball, the heart rate after exercise recovered by 75%, and among students who
played rugby 5, the heart rate recovered after the end of the lesson by 95%. 

Author Biographies

Ludmila Filenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor

Olena Tserkovnaya, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Filenko, L. ., Tserkovnaya, O., & Filenko, I. (2024). Information technologies learning rugby-5 in high school. Sports Games, (1(15), 74–84.


