Peculiarities of modern basketball competition systems (on the example of NBA and professional tournaments under the auspices of FIBA)




professional basketball, competitions, system, governing organization, factor


Professional basketball today is a fast-paced sport at the international sports
arena. This is obviously a consequence of effective competition systems that attract the interest of
viewers and sponsors. The key organizations which involved of its development, namely the NBA
and FIBA, have shaped these systems over the years and today they are characterized by their
uniqueness. The purpose of the study is to characterize the components of modern systems of
competition in professional basketball (for example, the NBA and professional tournaments under
the auspices of FIBA). Methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis, historical method and
comparison method. Results. It has been established that in the North American (NBA) and
European (FIBA) models of the professional basketball functioning, there are some differences in
the organization and the system of the competition. The difference is present in еhe duration of the
season, which is about six months in the NBA, and in the system of competition of FIBA (World Cup
example) only qualifying rounds take place over two years. In addition, the NBA competition system
is more commercially oriented and the key rules of it are aimed at "capturing" a wide audience and
conducting competitions in the spirit of the show. At the same time, the development and promotion
of basketball in the world remains crucial in FIBA, so the competition system is directed at
achieving an objective sporting result. At the same time, in both models there are constant updates,
which are oriented on tendencies in the first case of American, in the second –European society.

Author Biographies

Khrystyna Khimenes , f Lviv State University of physical culture named after Ivan Boberskii

PhD, assistant professor, assistant professor of Department Theory of
sport and physical culture

Maryan Pityn, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskiy

DSc (physical education and sport), professor, professor of the Department
of Theory of Sport and Physical Culture

Anastasiya Dmytrenko, Lviv State University of physical culture named after Ivan Boberskii

master of specialty Physical culture and sport


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How to Cite

Khimenes , K., Pityn, M. ., & Dmytrenko, . A. (2024). Peculiarities of modern basketball competition systems (on the example of NBA and professional tournaments under the auspices of FIBA). Sports Games, (1(15), 85–94.


