Competitive activity requirements for the qualified athletes’ preparation in badminton (theoretical aspect)




requires structure, content, preparedness, athletes, badminton


Badminton was included to the competition program of Olympic Games in 1992 (Barcelona, Spain). This sport shows a steadily increasing popularity. Dynamic change in competition rules affects the structure and content of competitive activities and, accordingly, the requirements to the structure and content of the athletes’ preparation system (separate sides) at all stages of long-term improvement. There was revealed the need to find and update scientific directions, which aimed at substantiation of individual components of the athletes’ preparation system in badminton at various stages of long- term improvement with the actual competitive activity requirements. Purpose: to analyze theoretical information regarding the requirements for athletes' preparedness in badminton from the competitive activity side. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization, abstraction, analogies, comparison. Results. The athletes’ preparation system in various sports requires dynamic changes in accordance with changes in the rules and development (improvement) of its separate components. In badminton there are all of the determined factors, which cause a constant scientific search among specialists of the physical culture field national and international levels. The structure and content of the scientific and methodological substantiation of the qualified badminton players’ preparation system are closely related to the processes of competitive activity intensification in badminton. The conditions of the training process should take into account the fundamental principles of the athletes’ preparation system, in particular the principle of unity interconnection of the competitive and training activities structures, along with the wave and variability of loads. Among the factors for ensuring effective competitive activity is the basic level of athletes' preparedness. At the same time, the logic of long-term improvement constructs at different sides indicates to the primacy of physical preparation to the formation an appropriate level of badminton players’ preparation.

Author Biographies

Yu Lyuwei, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskiy

Mgr, graduate student of the Department of Sports and Recreational Games

Ivan Karatnyk, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskiy

PhD (physical education and sport), associate professor of the department of sports and recreational games

Maryan Pityn, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskiy

DSc (physical education and sport), professor, professor of the Department of Theory of Sport and Physical Culture


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How to Cite

Lyuwei, Y., Karatnyk, I., & Pityn, M. (2024). Competitive activity requirements for the qualified athletes’ preparation in badminton (theoretical aspect). Sports Games, (4(14), 24–34.


