Technical training of young football players taking into account specialized loads of high coordination complexity




technical training, specialized workloads of increased coordination complexity, technical-tactical actions, competitive activities, training process


The purpose of the study was to substantiate the technique of technical training of young
football players of 8-16 years on the basis of the technology of differentiation of specialized loads of
increased coordination complexity.
To solve these problems, the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis of
special literature and program-normative documents; questioning, interviewing; pedagogical
observation; method of expert assessments; sports and pedagogical testing; pedagogical
experiment; methods of mathematical statistics.
The results of the analysis of the existing program and regulatory framework governing the
long-term preparation of the sports reserve in football, as well as the polls of experts indicate the
insufficient elaboration in the technique of technical training of the normalization of specialized
loads of increased coordination complexity in a wide range, covering all age stages - from the
initial to the age stages. improve. From a methodological point of view, this aspect is considered by
the specialists of children's and youth football as a certain reserve for further rationalization of the
training method.
According to the results of the research, the technology of evaluating the competitive
exercise of football players by the coefficient of coordination difficulty of the match was developed.
In the wide age range (8-16 years) the magnitudes of specialized loads of increased coordination
complexity in the game of young football players are revealed. The technology of differentiation of
volumes of specialized loads of the increased coordination complexity in long-term technical
training of young football players is developed, on the basis of estimation of complexity of
competitive exercise. The efficiency of the technique of technical training of young football players
with differentiation by the age groups of the volumes of specialized loads of increased coordination
complexity was experimentally determined. The negative impact of this methodological approach
on the level of technical readiness at the stage of initial preparation in the period from 8 to 9 years
was established.

Author Biographies

Stanislav Saprun, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Gnatyuk

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), associate Professor, Associate
Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Olympic and Professional Sports

Petro Ladyka , Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Gnatyuk

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), аssociate Professor. Acting head.
Department of Theory and Methodology of Olympic and Professional Sports


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How to Cite

Saprun, . S., & Ladyka , P. (2024). Technical training of young football players taking into account specialized loads of high coordination complexity. Sports Games, (4(14), 87–97.


