The effect of exercises with elements of football on the physical fitness and functional state of students with poor health




students, football, elements, relaxation, health, quality, efficiency


Aim of the study: To increase the efficiency of physical education and the development of physical
qualities of students with impaired health through a personal approach to training using the
elements of football. Objectives of the study: to identify the physical fitness and functional state of
the body and health of students with impaired health; to analyze the effectiveness of the impact of
the use of football elements on the development of impaired health of students with disabilities and
their functional health. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary
sources; control tests and tests on fitness and the use of functional tests for health assessment,
methods of mathematical statistics using the Student's t test. Results: In order to analyze the
possibility of using football elements during training sessions, it was necessary to determine the
dynamics of fitness, functional status and health of female students during the 2018-2019 academic
year. Conclusions: The dynamics of indicators of physical and functional readiness of female
students for the period of study at the university from the first to the second courses is determined.
At the same time, there are no statistically significant differences between the students' results (р>
0,05); The 5-month experiment showed a significant positive effect of systematic training using the
elements of football on the level of fitness and health of first-year students. After five months of the
experiment, group 1 (р <0.05) was significantly better in terms of functional status of the organism
and health. Only the results of the Romberg trial did not show statistically significant differences
between the groups.

Author Biographies

Anna Tamozhanska, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of
Physical Rehabilitation and Health

Olena Myatyha, National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor
of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Health

Larisa Ulaeva, National University of Pharmacy

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Rehabilitation and Health


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How to Cite

Tamozhanska, A., Myatyha, O., & Ulaeva, L. . (2024). The effect of exercises with elements of football on the physical fitness and functional state of students with poor health. Sports Games, (4(14), 98–109.


