Character features of handball referees




handball, referees, temperament, emotion, aggression, motivations, accentuations, subjective control, self-control


Purpose: it consists in certain characteristic characteristics of the personality of handball
referees. Material and methods: the following methods of the research were used: psychopedagogical questionnaire and testing of psychological structure of temperament (B. Smirnov),
emotionality (E. Ilyin), aggressive behavior (E. Ilyin, P. Kovaliov), motivation (A. Rean),
characteristic accentuations of personality (K. Leongard), subjective control (J. Rotter), selfcontrol in communication (M. Snyder); methods of mathematical processing of the obtained results.
4 referees of the European category, 3 referees of the second category and referees of the National
and First categories participated in the research. Results: The research revealed that the handball
arbitrator, whose extroversion prevails, is confident and determined, and on turnover, introverts
are more "closed" and less determined. The negative impact of emotions on efficiency of activity
was observed in referees of the initial category. At the same time, referees of the European category
are independent of emotional excitability, intensity and duration of emotions. Such indicators were
derived from more extensive work on their mistakes and experience. European category referees
(Ruslan V. and Victoriya Zh.) were found to have elevated levels of direct verbal and physical
aggression, suggesting rapid emotional excitability. But, at the same time, they have strong
restraint in difficult situations of competitive activity. Subjective control is fully exercised by
arbitrators Ruslan L. (referee of the European category), Pavel G. and Valeria V. (referees of the
national category). They have responsibility and objective self-analysis of their decisions during the
match. Conclusions: The results of psychological research prove that handball referees are able to
clearly, qualitatively and objectively assess actions and game actions of sportsmen. But only deep
knowledge of theoretical aspects combined with constant practical work, is a guarantee in carrying
out competitions by referees at a high level that is without serious mistakes.

Author Biographies

Oleg Shalar, Kherson State University

PhD (pedagogical sciences), assistant professo

Eugene Strykalenko, Kherson State University

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), assistant professo

Viktor Huzar, Kherson State Maritime Academy

PhD (pedagogical sciences), assistant professor

Anastasia Kuruch, Kherson State University

Master of Olympic and Professional Sports, judge of national handball


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How to Cite

Shalar, O., Strykalenko, E., Huzar, V. ., & Kuruch, A. (2024). Character features of handball referees. Sports Games, (4(14), 141–153.


