Change of performance indicators of game actions of 16-20 year old basketball players in games of the European championships



basketball, training, endurance, load parameters


At the present stage of the development of basketball, one of the factors that
influence the victory of the team of the level of higher sportsmanship in competitions is the level of
physical fitness of the team. The duration of the competitive period leads to a shortening of other
training periods, which requires the development of new theoretical provisions of physical training,
methods and means of developing the motor skills required in the game of basketball. The sheer
pace of movement of basketball players requires them to have special speed indicators when
running with a change of direction. In the physical training of basketball players for the
development of high endurance running exercises are used, among which the most common -
shuttle running. Purpose: increase in efficiency of game actions of basketball players in games of
the European championships. Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and
methodological literature on the problem of research, generalization of modern experience of
physical training of basketball players of different qualifications, observation, testing, experiment,
analysis of game technical protocols, video game playback, analysis of game statistics, methods of
mathematical statistics. Results: high-endurance endurance for high-end basketball players to
improve the quality of their playing activities. Difficulties of control of parameters of training load
in running exercises were determined. Methods of determining the individual intensity of basketball
players' load in the classes aimed at the development of speed endurance were experimentally
tested. Conclusions: The proposed methods for determining the training load had a positive impact
on the performance of players in the competition

Author Biographies

Zhanna Tzymbaliyk, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD (Physical education and Sport), assistant professor

Asya Tihonova, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

senior lecturer

Anton Musiyenko, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

second master's degree in second year of study


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How to Cite

Tzymbaliyk, Z. ., Tihonova, A. ., & Musiyenko, A. . (2024). Change of performance indicators of game actions of 16-20 year old basketball players in games of the European championships. Sports Games, (4(14). Retrieved from


