Formation of physical qualities of late preschool age children under the influence of mini-tennis classes
mini-tennis, physical qualities, late preschool age, techniqueAbstract
The relevance
of the article is caused by the current trends of mini-tennis development in Ukraine and the
insufficient scientific and methodical base on the organization and holding educational-training
classes with children of late preschool age. Domestic researchers pay attention to training of the
qualified tennis players, there are works on optimization of the educational-training process,
however the questions devoted to a technique of creation mini-tennis classes for children at the
stage of initial preparation remain insufficiently presented. Purpose of the research: check of
influence and efficiency of a development technique of physical qualities of late preschool age
children in the course of mini-tennis classes. Material and methods of the research: analysis and
generalization of scientifically-methodical literature were carried out; questioning, pedagogical
observation, testing of physical qualities, methods of mathematical statistics were used at the
organization of the research. The research was conducted during 2017-2019 which provided a
number of consecutive stages. 16 children of late preschool age which were engaged in tennis three
times a week 60 minutes in the group of initial preparation of the first year of training at the base of
Kharkov tennis club "Unikort", participated in the research. Results of the research. The level of
physical fitness and technical development of movements "school of the ball" we determined for the
determination of efficiency of the offered technique, selection of tests was carried out taking into
account specifics of sport. The received results demonstrate positive influence of tennis classes on
the development of physical qualities, especially high-speed, coordination and high-speed and
power qualities of children of late preschool age. The results testify to the uniform initial level of
physical fitness of late preschool age children and the reliable differences between control and
experimental groups are absent. It should be noted the lack of result uniformity as the coefficient of
variation makes from 26.4% to 35.2%, except for the experimental group in the test - "run on 5 m
from high start" (V = 12.2%). The analysis of the received results confirms increase in the level of
physical fitness, both in control, and in experimental groups at the end of the first year of training.
Concerning the variation coefficient it is possible to say that results in the intra group selection
became more uniform and point to the identical level of preparedness of children in comparison
with results before tennis classes. Conclusions. The analysis of foreign scientific, educational and
methodical literature demonstrates that mini-tennis in the system of the organization and carrying
out the educational-training process is an effective remedy in formation of interest in classes and
positively influences the development of physical qualities at children up to the age of 8 years. The
efficiency of the developed technique is confirmed the reliable gain of indicators of the development
level of physical qualities of children of the corresponding age in tests - run on 5 m from high start,
a long jump from the place, a ball throw on the range, shuttle run "fan", hold of the falling stick,
throwing of balls in squares and ten eights (р<0.01-0.01).
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