Improvement of tactical training of 14-16 year old young basketball players by means of information technologies


  • Irina Pomeshchikova Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine
  • Ludmila Filenko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine



basketball, sportsman, program, computer, tactics, modeling


The process of
improvement of sportsmen’ preparedness is closely connected with the search of the most effective
ways of organization of the training process. One of the perspective directions of the solution of this
problem is development and deployment of computer technologies during the trainings which are
based on modern achievements of computer facilities. Results of introduction of the computer
program of tactical actions modeling in the educational-training process of young basketball
players (n=24) are considered in the article. Purpose: to increase the level of proficiency in tactical
combinations at 14-16 year old young basketball players by means of the computer training
programs. Methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of references; methods of information
modeling; control tests and tests; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the dynamics of
changes of tactical preparedness indicators of 14-16 year old sportsmen throughout a training
mesocycle is presented. The received results testify to the reliable gain in effectiveness of
performance of all studied tactical elements and combinations when performing control tests after
using the computer program of tactical actions modeling at the level p<0.05 (a pass in one party, a
pick in another; fast break 2 against 1; zonal pressure; interaction with the front center; pressure
on all platform) and at the level p<0.01 (an eight combination, defense of zone 2х3; release on a
cover after throw-in). The available close interrelations between all studied indicators of tactical
preparedness of young basketball players are established. The most influential dependences
between performance of exercises on pressure by both high-speed and running combinations are
found. The received results of the correlation analysis testify to need of application of tactical
elements and exercises on their development by further training of young basketball players.
Conclusions: the reliable gain of the studied indicators is established (p<0.05-0.01).

Author Biographies

Irina Pomeshchikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical education and Sport), assistant professor

Ludmila Filenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Pomeshchikova, I. ., & Filenko, L. (2024). Improvement of tactical training of 14-16 year old young basketball players by means of information technologies. Sports Games, (3(13), 41–48.


