Influence of applied aerobics exercises and yoga exercises on indicators of physical fitness of female basketball players of the women's team of BC "TAVRIYSKA ZIRKA"


  • Yevhenii Strikalenko Kherson State University, Ukraine
  • Oleg Shalar Kherson State University, Ukraine
  • Vitaly Gudovych Kherson Polytechnic College, Ukraine
  • Yuri Fedin Kherson Polytechnic College, Ukraine



basketball, female basketball players, flexibility, coordination ability, high-speed endurance, high-speed and power qualities, yoga, aerobics


The modern level of sporting achievements in basketball is very high and has an explicit tendency to the further growth of technical and tactical
skill of the sportsmen doing this sport. To reach the level of the highest sporting achievements in the
chosen sport and to exceed it, the further improvement of the system of preparation of a team and
players is required. Purpose: to study influence of applied aerobics exercises and exercises with
yoga elements on indicators of physical fitness of female basketball players of BC "Tavriyska zirka.
Material and methods of the research: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical
observations, sports and pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: it is established that using exercises with elements of yoga and applied aerobics in the educational and training process considerably raised indicators of flexibility of female
basketball players’ backbone in the test an inclination forward from a sitting position. The gain was
42%. The improvement of coordination abilities is set at the level of 11.4%. It is noted insignificant
positive changes in the development of high-speed endurance and high-speed and power qualities
that can be the cause of selection of more specific physical means of trainings. Conclusions:
introduction of exercises with elements of yoga and aerobics to trainings of female basketball
players promoted the improvement of indicators of flexibility and coordination abilities of players. 

Author Biographies

Yevhenii Strikalenko , Kherson State University

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), assistant professo

Oleg Shalar, Kherson State University

PhD (pedagogical sciences), assistant professo


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How to Cite

Strikalenko , Y. ., Shalar, O., Gudovych , V., & Fedin , Y. (2024). Influence of applied aerobics exercises and yoga exercises on indicators of physical fitness of female basketball players of the women’s team of BC "TAVRIYSKA ZIRKA". Sports Games, (3(13), 49–55.


