Outdoor games as an important component of competence building approach realization to training of 1-4 grades pupils at physical culture lessons at new Ukrainian school.


  • Sergey Moiseev Kherson Academy of Continuing Education, Ukraine




New Ukrainian school, elementary school, competence building approach, competence, through abilities, outdoor game, technique


The article relevance is caused by the implementation of the Concept of New Ukrainian school in practice of work of institutions of the general secondary education in general and teaching the subject "Physical culture" in particular. The purpose of the article is disclosures of a role of play activity in competence-based approach realization to training of 1-4 grades pupils at physical culture classes at New Ukrainian School. It is established that orientation of
educational process on formation in pupils of hierarchically-subordinated system of key, generallysubject and subject competences is expedient to understand as competence building approach in education. The priority of development of subject competences in competence building approach
realization to training of 1-4 grades pupils at physical culture classes at New Ukrainian School is shown and the corresponding technique of their development is developed. The main components (stages) of the author's technique are motivational and valuable, bringing, athletic, basic and
creative and playing. The example of using the developed technique is given during the development of competence of a long jump from the place at physical culture classes in pupils of elementary school and its potential of forming through abilities is realized at pupils. It is specified that the leading component (stage) of development of subject competences and through abilities of pupils of elementary school at physical culture class is creative and playing. This component (stage) carries out the maximum influence on intellectual, valuable and semantic, activity and creative and physical spheres of development of the child, promoting formation of all through abilities. The conclusion is drawn that the systematic and balanced development of subject and key competence allows increasing efficiency of competence building approach realization to training of 1-4 grades pupils at physical culture classes at New Ukrainian School. The key place in the developed technique is allocated to outdoor, national games and relays which for pupils, on
condition of their correct organization, become the fine school and laboratory of thought, respect, moral support, creativity, initiative and health.

Author Biography

Sergey Moiseev, Kherson Academy of Continuing Education

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Moiseev, S. (2024). Outdoor games as an important component of competence building approach realization to training of 1-4 grades pupils at physical culture lessons at new Ukrainian school. Sports Games, (2(12), 29–40. https://doi.org/10.15391/zenodo.2544955


