Influence of the size of the sports ground on indicators of vestibular stability and peripheral sight of volleyball players of the student’s team.
vestibular analyzer, visual sensor system, volleyball players, rotary loadsAbstract
Purpose: definition of influence of the size of the sports ground on indicators of
vestibular stability and peripheral sight of volleyball players of the student’s team. Material and
methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, methods of
definition of functional state of visual and vestibular analyzers before and after standard vestibular
loads on Barany chair, methods of mathematical statistics. Vestibular analyzer stability was
determined by indicators: accuracy of definition of the set time 10 (s), run speed when performing a
certain task 4X9 (s) and deviations from a straight line on the 5th meter piece (cm). The perimetry
method was used for definition of a visual field. 12 sportsmen of the national team of KhSAPC
participated in the research. Results: It is defined that vestibular stability of volleyball players and
level of peripheral sight with increase in the size of the gym slightly worsens (p>0,05) and only the
indicator "deviation from a straight line" had reliable character (р>0,05). Increase in the ground
of testing till the sizes of sports stadium caused in the test "definition of an error of the set time",
both before and after vestibular load, slightly the best changes in comparison with the gym.
However statistically reliable differences between the results received in the gym and at the stadium
were observed only on the testing indicators "deviation from a straight line", both before and after
rotary loads (р<0,05). Comparison of results of peripheral sight of volleyball players in the gym
and at the stadium revealed insignificant improvement of indicators at the open stadium (p>0,05).
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