Gender features of aggressiveness of igikov athletes


  • Olena Nesen Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine
  • Natalia Zelenenko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine


aggression, types of aggression, athletes, games, sports, gender


The purpose of the study is to determine the types and degree of manifestation of
aggressiveness among athletes of different sexes who specialize in team game sports activities.
Material and methods. The study involved 72 athletes: 43 young men and 29 girls aged 16-19 years
who specialize in sports games activities and study full-time at the Kharkiv state of physical culture.
During the work, the following research methods were used: analysis of scientific and
methodological literature, psychological testing, methods of statistical processing of the
information received. Results. Investigating the types and degree of aggressiveness of young men, it
was found that 18.60% of respondents had a low degree of aggressiveness, and 79.06% of athletes
had a middle degree of aggressiveness. Analyzing the degree of manifestation of different types of
aggressiveness of youth, it can be stated that physical and verbal aggression is the most
pronounced, and emotional aggression is the least pronounced. Analyzing the aggressiveness of
girls, it was found that 10.03 % of respondents had a low degree of aggressiveness and 79.31 % of
female athletes had a middle degree of manifestation. The most pronounced is verbal and selfaggression, the least - emotional. Analyzing the difference in the degree of manifestation of different
types of aggressiveness of sportsmen different sexes, it was found that women have statistically
more pronounced subject aggression (p˂0.001) than boys. At the same time, between the degree of
manifestation of verbal, physical, and emotional aggression and self-aggression statistically
significant differences were not found in the representatives of the male and female players of 16–
19 year old. Findings. The overall aggressiveness of girls and boys aged 16-19 years who
specialize in sports games has no certainty in differences. There are certain differences in the types
of aggressiveness of athletes different sexes at a specified age, which must be considered to
planning the training process. Subject aggression in girls is significantly higher than in boys

Author Biography

Olena Nesen, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport)


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How to Cite

Nesen, O. ., & Zelenenko, N. (2024). Gender features of aggressiveness of igikov athletes. Sports Games, (1(11), 24–31. Retrieved from


