Тhe definition of playing role of central strikers in the women's water polo


  • Olga Pilipko Kharkov state Academy of physical culture, Ukraine
  • Alina Pilipko Kharkov state Academy of physical culture, Ukraine




water polo, athletes, central strikers, the structure of special preparedness, relationship, model characteristics


Objective: to develop and experimentally justify a methodology for
determining the role of central strikers in the women's water polo. Material and methods: analysis
and generalization of literature sources, pedagogic observation, anthropometric and physiological
measurement, testing, analysis gaming activities water polo players using the protocols of control
games, methods of mathematical statistics. Contingent surveyed consisted of athletes who were
members of Kharkiv region women's water polo team and had a level of sports qualification of
Master of sports of Ukraine. Results: identified features of the structure of special preparedness of
skilled water polo players which function as central strikers, investigated the relationship between
indicators of physical development, technical and special swimming preparedness from qualified
water polo players of chosen playing role, developed models characteristics of the structure of
special preparedness which can be used to determine the playing role of central strikers in
women's water polo. Conclusions: proved that the performance of сentral strikers is strongly
influenced by anthropometric indicators, parameters which reflecting the level of development of
spurt's capabilities and speed-power endurance, and also due to the effective technique of basic
throw; defining the playing role of central strikers should be based on the basis of a complex
analysis of indicators, which reflecting the level of physical development, technical and special
swimming preparedness of water polo players; a comparison of individual characteristics of
structure of special preparedness with model values of these parameters will allow the athletes
determine their compliance with chosen playing role and will provide the opportunity to realize
themselves in the conditions of conducting competitive struggle.

Author Biographies

Olga Pilipko, Kharkov state Academy of physical culture

сandidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor

Alina Pilipko, Kharkov state Academy of physical culture

assistant professor


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How to Cite

Pilipko, O. ., & Pilipko, A. . (2024). Тhe definition of playing role of central strikers in the women’s water polo. Sports Games, (1(11), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.15391/zenodo.2543565


