Sport training in schools in volleyball


  • Oleg Shalar Kherson State University, Ukraine
  • Viktor Huzar Kherson State Maritime Academy, Ukraine
  • Nataliya Reshotka Khersonska ZOSH №47, Ukraine



volleyball, high school student, technique, passing the bal, giving, taking the ball from the bott, attacking blow, knowledge


Volleyball is one of the main and integral parts of the content of physical education lessons and
optional classes, physical education and recreational activities and sports activities in the school
day, extra-curricular work on the physical education of schoolchildren. It is difficult to find a
collective of physical culture, in which there would be no volleyball section. Properly organized
volleyball lessons are a good method for the comprehensive physical development of schoolchildren
who are involved and contribute to the decision of important educational tasks. Purpose:
Improvement of the methodology of preparation of students of lyceum at volleyball classes.
Material and methods: the study was conducted with high school students of the Kherson Physico-Technical Lyceum in the study of the Volleyball module. Training and improvement of the lyceum
students' volleyball techniques was conducted in academic classes in physical culture during
January-March 2018. The duration of each class is 80 minutes. The level of technical preparedness
of high school students was studied and compared by four test exercises and the basics of
knowledge on the history and rules of the game of volleyball were assessed. Results: showed that
the high rates in ball passes for girls (by 25%) and for boys (by 8.5%) changed for the better. A
high level improvement took place in boys (by 13.5%) and in girls (by 12.5%) in ball pitches.
Significantly changed the performance of high school students for the performance of the attack hit
and the ball from the bottom. The high rates improved by a quarter among girls (25%) and by a third among boys (31% and 31.5%, respectively). The fact that there are almost no low rates (with the exception of ball feeds for girls -12.5%) speaks in favor of the efficiency of the applied
technique. The high rates of knowledge of the basics of volleyball for girls improved by 22.5% in
contrast to the previous ones, and sufficient indicators also improved by 33.5%. Conclusions: the
effectiveness of this technique is proved by the students improving the technique of performing all
the elements of volleyball. This can be associated with the successful development of certain
theoretical knowledge of volleyball by high school students. 

Author Biographies

Oleg Shalar, Kherson State University

PhD (pedagogical sciences), assistant professor

Viktor Huzar, Kherson State Maritime Academy

PhD (pedagogical sciences), assistant professor


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How to Cite

Shalar, O., Huzar, V. ., & Reshotka, N. . (2024). Sport training in schools in volleyball. Sports Games, (1(11), 58–66.


