Суверенні держави перед викликами глобалізації: аналіз сучасних концепцій


  • Ірина Кресіна Інститут держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України, Україна
  • Ірина Алєксєєнко Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, Україна

Ключові слова:

the nation state, the transnational state, sovereignty, globalization, world government


The authors examine the national states development scenarios on the basis of two tendencies – the world government nascence and strengthening of the nation state. The ideas about inevitable formation to the 2000 year of the «world state» in the form of conflict-free and just united society of humanism in 1990-years failed. The possibilities of passing to more humane, just and intelligent society changed to the scenarios of split to parts civilization, contradictions between which were practically impossible to solve.

By the end of XX century the determinative feature in investigation of the further existence of a sovereign state investigation becomes an inconsistency of the globalization process, which, despite expectations, at one time integrates and disjoins nations.     

 The 1990s witnessed, that within global governance of the continuous "Shift of power" from governments of nation states to some new supranational structure of international management is not observed. Rather we talk about fundamentally new tendency of world development: at the global level both states and transnational formations own “the part” of power.

 The capital flows, which are consistently increasing, and products crossing national borders, making them more and more transparent, demand creation of coordinating bodies at the supranational level, but not as a shape of a "world government", but as collective actions of governments of several states. This model propsed by German political scientist W. Beck, is based on the idea of transnational state, namely community of states.

 The process of globalization provides arguments for supporters of the traditional theory of political realism, who claim, that in future development scenarios the main parts, as previously, belong to strong states and their nation interests, strength of which will be only increasing due to economic integration. The debates are kept only about whom in XXI century the leadership belongs to - traditional Western centers of power or East which grows stronger.

Біографії авторів

Ірина Кресіна, Інститут держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України

Iryna Kresina

Ірина Алєксєєнко, Бердянський державний педагогічний університет

Iryna Aleksiejenko






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