Ідея сучасної демократії і польська національна ідентичність
Ключові слова:
The National Identity, Socrates, Christianity, Sophistry, “the social agreement”, N. Machiavelli, Th. Hobbes, J. Locke, J. Lelewel, A. MickiewiczАнотація
The answer to the question concerning the Polish political identity is represented. This is the problem considering the position of the Polish culture in the context of the idea of democracy of New Times. The ideas of this period are connected with the thought of N. Machiavelli, Descartes, Th.Hobbes, J.Locke, with nominalism and opinions concerning that unit is a measure of value. It has been demonstrated that on the basis of Polish culture are placed the thought of Socrates and the Christian doctrine, realism, which declares that values carry an objective nature. The question concerning the Polish identity is nowadays the question of the character of the free market and the face of democracy in Poland.
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