Депутати Сейму РП — захисники лужичан після 2000 року
Ключові слова:
the sorbs, deputies of the Polish Republic parliament, parliamentary inquiry, the liquidation of secondary schools in Chrósćicach and Pančicach-KukowieАнотація
The protection of the Lusatian serbs interests by the deputies of the Polish parliament by the means of parliamentary inquiry and open letter editing has been elucidated. The parliamentary inquiries (dated 2002 year) of Yanush Dobrosh (The Polish People’s Party ), Marek Yurek and Arthur Zavisha (“The Law and Justice Party”, dated 2003 year), Arthur Gursky (“The Law and Justice Party”, dated 2009 year), and the open letter to Saxon minister of education concerning protection of the Lusatian serbs secondary school situated in Pančicach-Kukowie, has been studied. The letter was signed in 2006 by 54 deputies of the League of Polish Families and the Self-defense of Polish Republic.##submission.downloads##
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