Study on the health of Ukraine's population by the example of the Kyiv region


  • Vasily Kornatsky National Scientific Center “M. D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology” of NAMS of Ukraine” Narodnogo opolchennya str., 5, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03151, Ukraine
  • Vasily Mikhal'chuk Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Dorogozhytska str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112, Ukraine
  • Lesia Diachenko Buchansky city polyclinic of the Kiev region Polova str., 21/10, Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 08292 Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Dorogozhytska str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112, Ukraine



health indicators, prevalence and morbidity of the population, primary health care


Aim of the research – to evaluate the health status of the population as a whole, in particular to analyze the prevalence and morbidity rates among the population of Bucha, Kyiv region and Ukraine in the period of 2012-2016.

Object and methods. The analysis of prevalence and morbidity among population of Bucha, Kyiv region and Ukraine as a whole for the period of 2012-2016 was conducted.

Results and discussion. During the survey of indicators of the prevalence of diseases, a negative tendency (2015-2016) has been recorded regarding the increase in prevalence and morbidity rates of the population of the region in comparison with 2014, but at the same time, they remain below the indicators of 2012 (by 4.49% and 6.12%, respectively). In the structure of the morbidity of the population of the region in 2016, in contrast to the prevalence, diseases predominate: respiratory organs (51.0%), blood circulatory system (5.9%). The incidence rates for the last five years in classes tend to decrease, with the exception of diseases of the respiratory system, the ears and the nasal sprout. According to the analysis, changes regarding the distribution of rating places in the structure of morbidity in 2016 compared with the previous year did not occur.

Conclusions. The lack of necessary knowledge of primary care among physicians providing medical care for diagnosis, treatment of mental and behavioral mental disorders in patients, improper or incomplete organization of detection and registration of such violations only contribute to unsatisfactory characterization of the state of mental health of the population of Ukraine. While the scope of mental health itself, including the primary level, requires reforms and the universal availability of mental health services

Author Biographies

Vasily Kornatsky, National Scientific Center “M. D. Strazhesko Institute of Cardiology” of NAMS of Ukraine” Narodnogo opolchennya str., 5, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03151

МD, Professor

Vasily Mikhal'chuk, Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Dorogozhytska str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112

MD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department

Department of Health Management

Lesia Diachenko, Buchansky city polyclinic of the Kiev region Polova str., 21/10, Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 08292 Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Dorogozhytska str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine 04112

Deputy chief physician

Postgraduate student

Department of management of health aguard


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How to Cite

Kornatsky, V., Mikhal’chuk, V., & Diachenko, L. (2018). Study on the health of Ukraine’s population by the example of the Kyiv region. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (2 (22), 35–42.



Medical Science