Adjustment disorders of children patients from internally displaced families
adjustment disorders, clinical picture, internally displaced persons, children, personality, anxiety, aggressionAbstract
This paper presents findings of the survey into studying the adjustment of children from internally displaced families (IDP). The aim of the present research was to identify clinical peculiarities of adjustment disorders in children from IDP families.
Materials and methods. The survey examined 66 children with AD signs from IDP families aged 7-18, the average age was 10.32±0.09 years old. The research was focused on studying children's personality traits using the “Adjusted Modified Variant of R.B. Cattell's Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) (adjusted by E.M. Aleksandrovska, I.N. Giliasheva, 1993),anxiety values were registered by Spilberg-Khanin Anxiety Scale (2007), aggression and autoaggression levels were identified by Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI) (adjusted by O. Osnytskyi, 2008).
Results. The obtained data testify to the complexity and diversity of the clinical picture of adaptation disorders in this category of patients. The violations of emotional-volitional, value-motivational and cognitive spheres are identified in the form of isolation, coldness, rigidity and alienation, and cruelty. It is stated that the activity of establishing and storing contacts with others is low. Found high rates of anxiety, resulting in the presence of anxiety, neurotic conflicts, emotional and neurotic breakdowns, psychosomatic disorders and diseases. Also, the tendency to aggression and autoaggression, the tendency to use physical force and aggressiveness to others, and the tendency to use physical violence and rudeness were revealed. Proved dependent formation of a high level of aggressiveness on the presence of children from families with RA IDPs physical, verbal and indirect aggression, high index of manifestations of hostility and resentment of suspicion, motivated aggressive activity from physical and verbal aggression and irritation.
Conclusions. Adaptation disorders in paediatric patients from families of IDPs are an acute problem of modern psychiatric science. The findings bring us to the conclusion that there is a need for a more detailed study of adjustment disorders to elaborate clinical peculiarities of diagnostic criteria and targets in psychotherapeutic correction of the abovementioned disorders
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