Analysis of computer tomographic image: skeleto-muscle index as a criterion of sarcopenia in patients with patients with patients




pancreatic cancer, sarcopenia, computed tomography, skeletal muscle index, somatotype


Aim of the study. The study of the possibility and informativeness of the detection of sarcopenia in a patient with pancreatic cancer (PC) by post-processing obtained using computed tomography (CT) images.

Materials and methods. A total of 108 patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome (probably of tumor etiology, and later diagnosed with pancreas cancer) were studied using the «Activion 16» spiral tomograph (Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation) according to a common protocol. The control group consisted of 60 patients aged from 22 to 74 years. We determined sarcopenia criteria on CT images: musculoskeletal L3 index (MSI) as the ratio of the area indicator of skeletal muscle in the body to the level L3 square growth patient. The somatotype index (SI) was determined by the formula: SI = BL x 100 / TSCH, where BL is the body length, TSCH is the transverse size of the chest, measurement in centimeters.

Results. Based on media values at the L3 level, sarcopenia was generally detected in 85.18 % of patients with pancreas cancer. Sarcopenia was observed in 100 % of patients with a dolichomorphic type, in 87.8 % of patients with a mesomorphic type, and in 65.5 % of patients with a brachiomorphic type of somatotype. Sarcopenia based on SMI at the L3 level is set in 85.2 % of patients with pancreas cancer: 47.8±4.3 cm² / m² for men, 36.2±4.1 cm² / m² for women, 58.4±3 6 cm² / m² and 44.2±3.5 cm² / m² for conditionally healthy men and women, respectively (p<0.01). The reliable differences of SMI according to gender were established in conditionally healthy men and women suffering from pancreatic cancer with inaccurate differences in BMI. In patients, the statistically significant difference of SMI (p = 0.001), corresponds to the various distribution of fatty mass in the body structure, was accompanied by statistical misleading differences in BMI.

Findings. CT as a standard method of diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and inflammatory diseases of the pancreas by calculating the SMI allows evaluating the degree of sarcopenia. SMI is more informative and personalized indicators to assess body composition than the standard used BMI as CT allows differentiation of muscle and fat components in the composition of the human body and to quantify

Author Biography

Elena Kolesnik, National Cancer Institute Lomanosova str., 33/43, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022

MD, Professor


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How to Cite

Zabudska, L., & Kolesnik, E. (2019). Analysis of computer tomographic image: skeleto-muscle index as a criterion of sarcopenia in patients with patients with patients. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (1 (28), 31–36.



Medical Science