Individual-psychological predictors of formation of dysadaptation states in doctors-interns


  • Valery Vjun Education and Research Institute of Postgraduate Education Kharkiv National Medical University Nauky ave., 4, Kharkіv, Ukraine, 61022, Ukraine



dysadaptation states, professional activity, doctors-interns, biological and social factors, mechanisms of formation


Aim of research. The study of individual-psychological predictors of dysadaptation states formation of doctors-interns for elaborating the system of their diagnostics, correction and psychoprophylaxis.

Materials and methods of research. For attaining the set aim, the complex examination of 213 doctors-interns of both genders of 22–25 years old (mean age 23±2 years) from the Kharkiv national medical university was realized in 2012–2016 with observing principles of bioethics and medical deontology.

Methods of research: clinical-anamnestic, psychodiagnostic, statistical. 

Results: It was established, that 65,7 % of examined doctors-interns (55,7 % of men and 68,6 % of women) demonstrated dysadaptation states. The main role in dysadaptation states formation in doctors-interns is played by the following groups of factors: biological – chronic somatic pathology, organic pathology, bad habits, and psychosocial – discontent with labor conditions, deficit of positive emotions, imperfectness of mechanism of psychological defense, conflicts in the medical environment.

It was established, that manifestations of dysadaptive states in doctors-interns are the feeling of internal strain with the impossibility to relax, anxious and depressive manifestations, decrease of the intellectual activity productivity.

Three levels of dysadaptation of a family doctor to the professional activity were separated.

Conclusions: The formation of disorders of doctors-interns’ adaptation to the professional activity is conditioned by many factors, biological, social and psychological ones, presented in the indissoluble complex in it. This fact determines the specificity of pathogenesis and syndrome genesis of dysadaptive states.

The high, middle and low level of family doctors’ dysadaptation to the professional activity were described

Author Biography

Valery Vjun, Education and Research Institute of Postgraduate Education Kharkiv National Medical University Nauky ave., 4, Kharkіv, Ukraine, 61022

PhD, Associate Professor, Director


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How to Cite

Vjun, V. (2017). Individual-psychological predictors of formation of dysadaptation states in doctors-interns. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (9 (17), 4–6.



Medical Science