The use of cystomanometry for objective evaluation of contractile functions of urinary bladder in patients with infiltrative cervical cancer
infiltrative cervical cancer, nerve-preserving operation, cystomanometry, urological complicationsAbstract
Aim of research: to carry out comparative analysis of indices of urinary system function in patients with infiltrative cervical cancer before and after surgical treatment.
Materials and methods: the work is based on prospective data of clinical observation and results of treatment of 90 patients with cervical cancer treated in the department of oncogynecology of National institute of cancer. The age of patients was within 26–65 years, on the average (42,61±1,06) years. All patients were divided into three groups depending on the method of surgical treatment: I group – 45 patients with infiltrative CC, who underwent nerve-preserving operation (NPO) – surgical aid with preservation of pelvic vegetative nerve plexus – the main group. II group – 45 patients with infiltrative CC, who underwent radical hysterectomy (RHE) – control group. All patients underwent cystomanometry. All indices in the studied groups were equal.
Results of research: The index of extensibility (plasticity) of bladder in patients with infiltrative cervical cancer after RHE III depends on the change of bladder volume and does not depend of insignificantly depends on the change of bladder pressure; whereas after surgical intervention with preservation of pelvic vegetative nerve plexus – it depends on the change of bladder pressure and does not depend of insignificantly depends on the change of bladder volume. The best indices of contractile function of detrusor were in patients after nerve-preserving operation.
Conclusions: surgical intervention in patients with infiltrative CC with preservation of the main elements of pelvic vegetative plexus allows essentially diminish the number of postoperative urogenital disorders that is proved by indices of urodynamic study – cystomanometry in pre- and early postoperative periodsReferences
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